If you or your company would like to be a part of this spectacular event, please contact Warren Earles to discuss how you can best participate, whether it be financially, providing workers at the event, assisting in planning, providing door prices or goody bag items, or some other way.

Sponsor levels are listed below. Financial assistance is greatly important to being able to put this exciting event together. However you may choose to be involved, we appreciate it and look forward to working with you.

If you are ready to become a sponsor, you can enter your amount below and pay by PayPal, Credit Card, or Venmo. We will then be in touch to be sure to thank you and get the correct Sponsorship package to you!

Sponsor Level Contribution Range Contribution Includes
Platinum $3,000 & Above Welcome kit listing, website listing, logo on FB page, announcement at event, logo on website, name on vehicle ID card, mention in radio ads, logo on event flyers, included in FB video, individual banner at event, name or logo on lanyards.
Gold $2,000 – $2,999 Welcome kit listing, website listing, logo on FB page, announcement at event, logo on website, name on vehicle ID card, name on group banner.
Silver $1,000 – $1,999 Welcome kit listing, website listing, logo on FB page.
Bronze $500 – $999 Welcome kit listing, website listing.
Iron $25 – $499 Welcome kit listing

Become a Sponsor Now!

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